Self-service toolset
- EveryCa helps anyone find a solution to a technical or business problem
- Based on TRIZ inventive algorithms and principles
- With variety of examples and hints to unleash the innovation potential
You can start at any moment:
Time to value (no need for organizational changes or activities)
No skills needed (self-service toolset for everyone)
Enablement (problem-solving skills development without long-term learning)
Approach to innovation
R&D teams around the world used TRIZ methodology to drive innovation
EveryCa makes TRIZ available for a wider use
Solution can come at any step. Be ready for it!

Write down what you are trying to solve
ensure the real goal, requirements and problems

Define possible contradictions
use inventive principles to develop the right solution based on your requirements

Deep dive into all details
if you did not find a solution at previous steps

Examples & Hints
we are here at any time to explain if something looks unclear
Examples of problem solving
Searching for a parking space in a crowded city is often annoying. ShinMaywa’s mechanical parking equipment can reduce the use of plan parking space in cities. The vertical parking mode is adopted instead of the traditional plan parking. The size and the noise of equipment are minimized; therefore the equipment can be easily installed in buildings. Due to the smaller size of the equipment, the construction time can be shortened. Further, the parking equipment is flexible for different vehicle heights.
Sale of coal Mine owner Hugo Stinnes, under the terms of the contract, was obliged to sell coal through a syndicate, but this practically did not give him any profit. If Stinnes sold the coal himself, the syndicate would sue him and ruin him. And it is better to trade coal on your own - this gives advantages to the mine owner. It was 1898. What about Stinnes? Analysis of the task TP: The contradiction between the need to make a profit and the violation of the terms of the contract. IFR: Making a profit without violating the terms of the contract. PS: You need to sell coal on your own in order to have a good income, and it is not necessary not to violate the terms of the contract with the syndicate. Analysis of TP and TP First, let's analyze the capabilities of TP. One of the requirements “do not violate the terms of the contract” is a mandatory requirement. Under no circumstances should it be changed. Another requirement “to sell coal independently” is a combination of three characteristics: “independent”, “sale” and “coal”. Let's try to consider not all together, but each separately. Which of the requirements must be mandatory? Of course, there must be the first two - “self-selling”. So if Stinnes does not sell coal, he will not violate the terms of the contract. However, he only has coal. Stinnes will not be saved by the external modification of coal (for example, turning it into coal dust). The terms of the contract in this case will not change, and if he sells coal dust, this will also be a violation of the contract. To solve the problem, you need to find out why they buy coal. Why is he buying it? How does the buyer use it? He pays for coal only in order to use its calorific value. This means that the “non-coal” sold should be valuable to the consumer, have a close relationship with coal, but not be recognized as coal by its physical characteristics. That is, the contradiction can be resolved in different ways: to sell only the useful (and valuable) property of coal, freeing it from the type of coal. In other words, heat must be sold. Technically, this is possible if you sell some heated substance that can be transported. Ways to resolve PS Resolution of conflicting properties: - in the structure. Use technique 28. Replacing the circuit. Sell not coal, but its derivatives. Solution Stinnes began selling cheap steam from a mine boiler house for the local power plant instead of coal. The syndicate sued Hugo Stinnes, but lost the case, because the "fathers" of the syndicate at one time did not think that coal could be sold in the form of steam - this was not documented as a ban.
VKB has developed a highly efficient method for projecting an optical image of a keyboard onto a surface. Using laser technology, a bright red image of a keyboard is projected from a device such as a handheld. In addition, VKB has developed a detection method through several proprietary developments for the accurate and reliable detection of user interaction, such as typing or cursor control functions (e.g. mouse or touch-pad controls). VKB has resolved all the technological hurdles required to make a practical virtual interface including minimizing the power consumption, minimal component size, simple processing, high accuracy and ease of use. All that is necessary to use the keyboard is a flat surface.